Colon Lift

I am one of a handful of people in North America who is trained in this simple & effective treatment! 
Over time, the colon becomes congested with waste material from poor diet, lack of exercise, & stress. As a result, the colon may prolapse, or fall down, in the lower abdominal area. When it rests on the uterus, ovaries or bladder, dysfunction happens further prohibiting assimilation of nutrients while adding to the growing toxicity of the body. But good news!! The colon can be safely put back into its proper place.

*must be on the Master Cleanse for at least 4 days 


Vita Flex 

This reflex system, not generally recognized by orthodox medicine, is a superior form of reflexology. With the correct style of finger pressure, a vibration of energy is released to heal, relieve pain, remove symptoms, & illnesses. Vita Flex pre-dates acupuncture and is capable of producing fast bodily corrections that is literally unmatched by any other method.


Vita Flex Roller 

If you can't come visit me for a Vita Flex treatment, then use this patented tool for the same amazing results! Use the roller between hands and under feet for just a few minutes per day to activate all the vibrational healing energy along the neuropathways to the exact points.
If you are taking your health into your own hands, then this simple effective tool is a must-have. Plus, it's easy to take with you while traveling.


Color Lamp Therapy  

This study of light is called spectroscopy, whereby a sample of material can be burned and the light analyzed to determine its exact chemical makeup. 
Color is another form of nutrition, however, instead of ingesting orally, we assimilate through the skin of the body.
Color Therapy is simply shining specific colors or frequencies of light onto the body in order to bring healing or balance. Color Therapy can be used for anything from sunburn and fever, to arthritis and cancer. 
To use the Color Lamp: sit or lay down in a darkened room with a color lamp projecting the desired color onto as much skin as possible. 
The schedule is: 1 hour on, 2 hours off. 1 hour on, 2 hours off. etc.... The more skin exposure, the quicker the color therapy works.
Great for use with pets as it's non-invasive and easy to use on them while they're napping.

$77 includes color lamp + 5 color filters