Feel Good with Food!

Low carb, vegan, paleo, keto…who cares? No labels here. 

As a health strategist with more nutrition training than a doctor, I will teach you about which foods are densely nutritious and a few rules of thumb to always apply for improved digestion, more energy, & improved overall health! 

Hormone Balancing

As someone who had thyroid cancer, I can tell you that hormone balancing can take some finessing. I’ll help you narrow down the causes of your imbalance and suggest lifestyle edits to correct it so you can move forward in life with energy, confidence, & vibrancy!

Medical Choice Mistake Reversal Strategy Session

Regrets can also be a blessing if we are willing to learn from them. If you're like me and made a medical choice mistake and regret it, but also want to take massive action to reverse it, then let's talk. 

Nothing is impossible with God's grace & the tools He put on this earth for us to use!

Clean living

Your home is your sanctuary, your retreat from the pollution of the outside world. I’ll help you identify the pollution offenders inside your home so you can get rid of them and make simple inexpensive lifestyle swaps. 

Avoiding frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, asthma, skin issues, lethargy, inability to focus, mood swings, anxiety, hormone imbalances, & unexplained pain is possible!

This is the easiest and most fun way to start taking your health into your own hands!

Cleanse & Detox

There are several different ways to cleanse the body’s systems of accumulated waste that cause physical & emotional pain and imbalance. I’ll help you decide which way is best for you to ensure success so you have more energy, better focus, sounder sleep, & more joy!

or just Master Cleanse with me-->here!

General Strategy Session

With good intentions, do you haphazardly take supplements? Do you sometimes exercise & eat fresh food, but are not consistent?

We've all been there! And it's been my experience with clients that this is simply due to lack of knowledge, fortitude, and solid direction.

Let's get strategic for your situation and learn how to pivot rather than flounder so we don't resort to giving up our power to the people in the white coats.

Dog Stuff: Strategies to Take Care of Things At Home

Have you ever wondered what you can use to keep your dog super healthy, besides better food?

I'll teach you about: tools to have & use frequently, success stories, and even share how I helped my dog die naturally & peacefully at home.

Prerequisite: must have completed my dog food strategy course. Find out more here